Privacy Policy

Data Collection and Usage          

The app does not collect, store, or process any personal information or data from users.
If a user contacts me through the support email, I will be able to see the sender's email address. This data is used only to facilitate support communications. If desired, I will delete all email communications once the support issue has been resolved. Please indicate this desire in your support email.

Tracking and Analytics

The app does not use any tracking technologies, cookies, or analytics tools. 


The app does not display any advertisements itself. You may see advertisements on the web page of the news stories according to each individual news publisher's web site design. 

Third-Party Services

The app does not integrate or share data with any third-party services.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

As the app does not collect or process any user data, changes to this policy will be minimal. However, if any changes are necessary, I will update this policy and notify users accordingly.

Contact Me   

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact me at support @ 

Effective Date: June 1, 2024